



在某些时候,你可能会问自己:我应该上大学吗? 值得吗?? 我买得起吗?? 这些都是合理的问题,BGSU fireands对此都有答案:是的. 

BGSU火地很自豪能在我们的社区进行投资, 我们很荣幸有机会欢迎你们来到我们的校园. 



All new and transfer students who are eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant who enroll at BGSU Firelands this fall will pay $0 tuition—renewable for four years!

火地补助金 is a scholarship that covers the balance of a student’s instructional and general fees after the Federal Pell Grant is applied.

通过降低学生成本来增加接受高等教育的机会是BGSU的首要任务. We’re BGSU—near you—so students here benefit from the supportive faculty and staff and integrated academic and career counseling unique to our University.


Enroll for 12 to 18 credit hours in an associate degree program on the BGSU Firelands campus in Huron for the fall semester


Be eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant as determined through completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  


1. 申请BGSU Firelands
2. FAFSA存档了吗
3. 有明确的需求. 那些符合条件的人可以申请到他们的账户.

如果你没有资格获得"火地基金,你仍然有机会申请数百个奖学金! 在BGSU的学生每年可以获得数千美元的经济援助. 再加上已经很低的学杂费, enrolling at BGSU Firelands offers the chance to earn a BGSU degree at a fraction the cost of a traditional residential university experience. 

开始你的职业生涯 在这里 

我们的课程让你为未来的工作做好准备. 与高增长领域相关的专业——医疗保健, 业务, 技术, 教育, communication and more—are taught by award-winning faculty and supported by a college community committed to your success.  




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小可用 单身汉可用 证书/支持可用 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 可在校园火
The accounting major provides students with an understanding of various areas of accounting and an overall update of skills necessary for an accounting career.
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会计证书课程, 管理与监督, 小型企业管理服务于那些有兴趣开始商业生涯的学生.
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Firelands Online+ transfer General Education Hybrid Liberal 艺术 two year degree associates More Programs Social Science firelands
副学士学位非常灵活, offering students the opportunity to sample a number of disciplines or tailor their studies according to special interests.
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理学副学士学位将提供一个强大的学术背景, offering students the opportunity to sample a number of disciplines or tailor their studies according to special interests.
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呼吸护理课程为学生在呼吸护理方面的实践做准备. 理论, laboratory and clinical experiences provide students with the skills to work as a respiratory therapist 在各种临床环境中 evaluating, 治疗和管理患者.
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The 呼吸护理理学学士学位 program is designed to educate students to expand their practice in respiratory care and offers students a sequence of advanced study to prepare them to become further leaders in the profession.
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护理课程教授护理的基本原理和概念, 为公众提供病人护理和教育, 并学会为患者和家属提供情感支持.
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The Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies (BTAS) at BGSU Firelands is a versatile degree designed to meet a growing job market. 学生加强交流, critical thinking and professional skills while also increasing career-specific skills in 资讯科技支援.
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The Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies (BTAS) at BGSU Firelands is a versatile degree designed to meet a growing job market. 学生加强交流, critical thinking and professional skills while also increasing career-specific skills in 小型企业.
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电子产品 and computer engineering 技术 majors study electronic components such as transistors; electric motors; programmable logic controllers; and electronic communication circuits.
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Electromechanical 技术 major is focused on developing skills of technical knowledge and experience to meet the demands of modern integrated electro-mechanical systems.
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在俄亥俄州休伦的BGSU fireands获得诊断医学超声学位. 获得实践经验,并准备在医学成像有益的职业生涯. 今天来看看我们的节目!
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一般商业管理服务于有兴趣发展商业事业的学生, 更新技能,学习新的管理技巧, 通过不同的商业课程.
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放射技术学位课程准备你提供最佳的病人护理作为一个放射技师, 通过一系列的基础学术和临床知识以及患者/学生的互动.
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放射科学技术博天堂官方网站提供诊断和治疗服务, 在各种临床环境中, 通过教学使用当前的现代技术和批判性思维技能.
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Special Education special needs autistic Education learning disabled Teaching bachelor Classroom down syndrome school firelands BGSU Firelands Elementary
The Inclusive Early Childhood Education Program is a highly competitive program that prepares teachers to construct developmentally appropriate 教育 for all children ages 3-8.
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special needs autistic Paraprofessional School Aide Special Education autism Education Teaching Classroom down syndrome school firelands Elementary
The Inclusive Early Childhood Education Program is a highly competitive program that prepares teachers to construct developmentally appropriate 教育 for all children ages 3-8.
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public relations social media journalist Marketing television radio print journalism More Programs Corporate Law bachelor Advertising media PR firelands newspapers
传播学学士学位教你如何管理, 谈判, 解释, 并促进人类在各种环境中的互动.
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visualcommunication-design Digital Computers Associate Visual Photography visual creation More Programs Design firelands User Experience
Unleash your creativity and embark on a dynamic career path with the Associate of Applied Business in 数字内容创作 at BGSU Firelands. 获得实践经验, 掌握尖端工具, 并在不断发展的数字媒体世界中塑造你的未来. 提高你的摄影技巧, 平面设计, 数字视频和社交媒体, 并在多媒体和内容创作领域打开令人兴奋的机会之门
小可用 单身汉可用 证书/支持可用 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 可在校园火
刑事司法项目培养能够通过技术培训批判性地评估问题的毕业生, 明智的决定, 以及理解人性来影响刑事司法系统.
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刑事司法学位使学生对政府有了基本的了解, 法律体系, 人民和他们的文化在管理和执行法律方面取得成功.
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人类服务 bachelor Public Health Behavioral Therapist Majors and Programs 社区 More Programs firelands
社会工作是一种致力于帮助个人的职业, 团体和社区通过帮助人们获得有形的服务, 提供咨询服务, 参与立法程序.
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结合课堂概念和实践经验, the human service major trains you to help individuals to cope with difficult situations to improve a person’s or family’s quality of life.
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心理学, 一个广泛的和不断发展的博天堂官方网站领域, 教你人类的行为和心理过程,让你更好地理解我们的行为和感受.
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Ohio Technician Promise cybersecurity Computer Science Technology programmer Cyber firelands IT Auditor Information Technology hands-on activities
探索应用业务在计算机网络和网络安全程序在BGSU的副学士. 获得实践经验和技能,以确保信息系统和网络的安全, 为成功的IT事业做准备.
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The liberal studies degree program is ideally suited for students with interdisciplinary interests beyond a single academic department or structured interdisciplinary program.
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精益系统管理主要关注计划, 组织和控制生产运营, 包括生产中使用的监督和管理技术和系统.
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技术博天堂官方网站副学士学位旨在帮助你为专业技术职业做准备, 使你能够将你的才能和训练投入到你感兴趣的职业领域.
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与LCCC合作,您可以从BGSU获得呼吸护理学位. 理论, laboratory and clinical experiences provide the skills to work as a respiratory therapist 在各种临床环境中.


BGSU的学生迎接挑战并实现他们的目标. 拥有BGSU学位,我们的学生为未来做好了准备. 



“我在BGSU的经历是10分. BGSU火场让我走上了成功之路,让我在长期目标上领先一步. 如果没有菲尔兰大学,我可能会落后两年.”



“最重要的事情是支付学位费用. 我是单亲家庭长大的,波士顿州立大学的学费也不贵. 我在波士顿州立大学的一位教授对我现在的职业生涯有很大的帮助.”



“BGSU野火大学感觉就像家乡的大学. 相信我, 作为一名头发花白的后传统学生,我觉得自己不适合这里, 你被录用了. 这就是我作为猎鹰的骄傲."



"My program at BGSU Firelands gave me a sprinkle of everything I needed to be a well-rounded person who learns from different fields and finds what I want for the future.”



“我找到了一个支持我的人, BGSU Firelands的在线课程,价格实惠, 所以现在我可以完成我的学位,追求我梦想的工作."



“BGSU的火场适合我的生活. 这是一所社区学校. 我可以同时去工作和上学,仍然有我的业余生活." 

马上申请 充分考虑.

我们是来帮忙的 419-372-0607.
