Services for Campus & Community

We source and special order merchandise for BGSU departments, student organizations, and community members. Options include custom printed or embroidered apparel, branded giveaways, promotional materials and more!

This personalized service complements the large selection of BGSU imprinted clothing and gifts for sale in Falcon Outfitters and in our online store. The qualified staff will help you identify items to fit every need and budget in support of your marketing or fundraising efforts.  We’re available to help you with every step of the process from sourcing products, design, and decoration to fulfillment and delivery.

For personalized service, contact Laura Fredericks at or 419-372-7170 for a free consultation and quote. Let us put our extensive industry contacts and resources to work for you.  If you need assistance in designing a graphic, the store’s graphic design team can help make your vision a reality. Payments can be made using a department charge, check or credit card.

fingerprinting 2 01 

If you need to have your background check done for student teaching, volunteering, or anything else, come to Falcon Outfitters! We offer Fingerprinting Services for your convenience! Just stop in anytime during our regular store hours.

$30.00 BCI  |  $32.00 FBI

What do I need for a BCI/FBI background check?

You will need a valid state ID, drivers license, or passport. You will also need to know your reason codes and social security number.

When are background checks available at Falcon Outfitters?

We typically offer checks every day until 30 minutes before closing. Due to staffing and/or on-campus events, we cannot guarantee background check services every day. If you're in a time crunch please call ahead to make sure we have staffing in place to perform your background check. Our phone number is 419-372-2749.

Where can I find my reason codes?

Whoever is requiring you to get a background check should supply you with the reason codes you need. They should also tell you exactly where your results needs to be sent and if a direct copy needs to be sent elsewhere. Falcon Outfitters is not responsible for selecting reason codes on your behalf. If you have questions relating to reason codes, please visit the Ohio Attorney General's website:

Can I make an appointment?

Background checks are performed on a first come, first served basis. As everyone's fingerprints are unique, some may be easier to capture and process than other's, therefore we're unable to gauge how long the process will take per person. 

How much does a background check cost?

BCI (Bureau of Criminal Investigation) Check- $30
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Background Check- $32

Falcon Outfitters sponsors numerous campus events throughout the year.  Support of Family Weekend, Dance Marathon, Orientation & First Year Programs, Sibs-n-Kids Weekend, BGSU Common Reading Experience, Homecoming, Wood County Corps, and the Office of Campus Activities are just some of the events and departments for which Falcon Outfitters provides merchandise or advertising support.

For Falcon Outfitters sponsorship information for a BGSU department, event or student organized program, please email Ashely DiMasso at

To submit a sponsorship request, click here

Updated: 02/28/2024 10:07AM