地质学:水文地质学项目是 地球、环境与社会学院文理学院.

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的BGSU bachelor of science in geology with a specialization in hydrogeology is the only hydrogeology specialization in Ohio. 

环境变化将使对水资源的竞争更加激烈, 导致未来几十年对水文地质学家的需求不断增加. 

关于 50% of the people 在 world rely on groundwater for drinking and irrigation of crops. 的 study of the interplay of water and the environment is important for the conservation and protection of this precious resource.

的BGSU geology degree with a hydrogeology specialization will provide a rigorous framework for examining the hydrologic processes. 水文地质学专业不需要辅修.


Hydrogeologists—who are earth scientists— solve problems related to water quality and availability.  

随着气候的变化,水的可用性也会发生变化. 需要找到管理和监测水资源的新方法. 这项工作的技术方面属于水文地质学家的范畴. 的y will increasingly be required to interact with environmental and government agencies and stakeholders who use water, 也就是说几乎每个人. 

的 other role of hydrogeologists is helping ensure that water supplies remain safe and healthy. Natural and human forms of pollutants are identified and mitigated by graduates with hydrogeology degrees. 

脱颖而出 在课程中

  • 地球的结构 & 构造
  • 地球材料
  • 地表水水文地质学 
  • 地下水水文地质
  • 湖沼学
  • 恶劣天气
  • 水地球化学
  • 遥感

 BGSU is the only public university in Ohio with a hydrogeology specialization degree.


所有的地球科学都需要扎实的数学、化学和物理基础. 的se core STEM skills are used to build a thorough knowledge of the water cycle and its interactions with the different parts of the Earth.

伊利湖 and its watershed provide excellent examples near the Bowling Green campus. 场 sites near and far are studied to build strong skills in assessing and documenting diverse types of physical systems. 

Quantitative literacy and critical thinking skills are used to interpret data and generate findings and recommendations. 沟通技巧是与政府合作的关键, 私营企业, 公用事业和社区利益相关者. 

的 ability to share technical knowledge with a broader public in a digestible, 相关的和道德的方法是水文地质学的一项关键技能.


的BGSU 领域课程 使学生接触各种地质环境和应用, 整合最新的野外测绘技术. Geology students learn how digital mapping and data analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can facilitate fieldwork and improve the understanding of the geology of an area. 

处理沉积层, 变质岩和火成岩, 学生们学习如何进行系统的观察, accurate recordings and sound interpretations of the geology seen in outcrops. 

野外作业包括测量和分析沉积剖面, 地质图的绘制, 褶皱与断裂的构造分析, 边坡稳定性分析及环境评价. Paleobiology specialization students will examine the fossil record of all locations visited. 

学生将学习使用布伦顿圆规, 笔记本电脑和加固平板电脑, GPS接收器, 航拍照片, 地形地图, 卫星图像和地理信息系统数据库. 

场 areas are 在 Basin and Range, Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountain provinces.


州立鲍灵格林大学地质俱乐部 serves geology majors and faculty and other geologically inclined students from across the University.  的 club strives to foster the communication of ideas with在 geological sciences and create social and professional opportunities for students.


自然资源的开采和管理受到严格监管. 任何从事水文地质学工作的人都将与监管机构互动, 各级政府, 以及有业务的利益相关者, 环境和公共卫生利益.

A wide variety of career options for graduates with a bachelor of science degree in geology with a specialization in hydrogeology can be found. Working 在 field, 在 lab, 在 office or interacting with the public are all possibilities. 

As water availability shifts because of climate change, the demand for hydrogeologists will increase. 

进一步的学习将使学生有资格担任更高级的职位. 博天堂官方网站 jobs in government or universities will mainly require a doctoral level qualification.

走得远 在你的职业生涯

  • 环境地质学家
  • 水文地质学家顾问
  • 环境工程师
  • 水资源经理 
  • 定量水文地质学家
  • 地下水建模
  • 工程水文地质工作者

的 Bureau of Labor Statistics found the median annual salary for hydrogeologists was $84,2020年5月040.


地质学:水文地质学项目是 地球、环境与社会学院文理学院.


数学与科学学术投资(目标) Learning Community is a place to live and learn alongside peers who share your interest and enthusiasm for science, 技术, 工程与数学. This learning community assists students in navigating challenging first-year courses in science, 技术和数学学科,同时建立终身的友谊.

这是友好的。, comfortable spot on campus where you can develop relationships with your classmates, 指导老师, 以及学术顾问. 目标学习社区 is designed to promote and strengthen these relationships.


Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in hydrogeology are expected to:

  • 识别, 描述和分类土材料, formations and structures and interpret them 在 context of geologic processes;
  • Analyze and report quantitative geologic data collected 在 field and laboratory;
  • Read, write, present and critically evaluate geologic reports, professional papers and maps;
  • Synthesize information from a variety of disciplines to solve geologic problems.

州立鲍灵格林大学 [BGSU] is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.  BGSU has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 01/01/1916. 最近一次认证确认是在2012 - 2013年收到的. 问题应直接向机构效率办公室提出.

的 Geology program underwent Program/Cluster Review during the Academic Year 2019-20.


州立鲍灵格林大学的课程可以获得执照, 证明和/或背书, 是否在线交付, 面对面或混合形式, satisfy the academic requirements for those credentials set forth by the State of Ohio.

牌照要求, 证明和/或背书 eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. 水文地质学课程不会导致专业执照.

根据高等教育法第四章披露要求, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

的 hydrogeology program does not lead to a recognized occupation that requires a 有偿的工作 disclosure.
